The optional package, LGTOman must be installed to access help using the mancommand. To access this help from the command line,type man command_name, for example:man recoverĮMC NetWorker 9.1 Command Reference Guide 3

L The information available in this document is also available from the command linefor any platform except Windows. Online help for commandsHelp for commands is also available from the command line. L EMC NetWorker Virtual Edition Installation Guide L EMC NetWorker Security Configuration Guide L EMC NetWorker Snapshot Management for NAS Devices Integration Guide L EMC NetWorker Snapshot Management Integration Guide L EMC NetWorker Performance Optimization Planning Guide L EMC NetWorker Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) User Guide L EMC NetWorker Server Disaster Recovery and Availability Best Practices Guide L EMC NetWorker Data Domain Boost Integration Guide L EMC NetWorker Cluster Integration Guide L EMC NetWorker Updating from a Previous Release Guide Related documentationThe following EMC publications provide additional information: PurposeThis document contains information about NetWorker command usage.ĪudienceThis document is intended for use by system administrators. Go to EMC Online Support () to ensure that you are using the latest version of this document. This document was accurate at publication time.
Mediainfo 0x001f software#
Therefore, some functions described in this documentmight not be supported by all versions of the software or hardware currently in use.The product release notes provide the most up-to-date information on productfeatures.Ĭontact your EMC technical support professional if a product does not functionproperly or does not function as described in this document. It is Open-Source software which means that end users and developers have freedom to study, to improve and to redistribute the program ( BSD-style license).As part of an effort to improve its product lines, EMC periodically releases revisions ofits software and hardware. Localisation capability (for which volunteers are needed - please contact us!).Internationalisation: display any language on any operating system.Integrate with the shell (drag 'n' drop, and Context menu).Graphical user interface, command line interface, or library (.dll/.so/.dylib) versions available.Export information as text, CSV, HTML.View information in different formats (text, sheet, tree, HTML.).Subtitles: CEA-608, CEA-708, DTVCC, SCTE-20, SCTE-128, ATSC/53, CDP, DVB Subtitle, Teletext, SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI.Audio: MPEG Audio (including MP3), AC3, DTS, AAC, Dolby E, AES3, FLAC.Tags: Id3v1, Id3v2, Vorbis comments, APE tags.Container: MPEG-4, QuickTime, Matroska, AVI, MPEG-PS (including unprotected DVD), MPEG-TS (including unprotected Blu-ray), MXF, GXF, LXF, WMV, FLV, Real.Chapters: count of chapters, list of chapters.

Text: format, codec id, language of subtitle.Audio: format, codec id, sample rate, channels, bit depth, language, bit rate.Video: format, codec id, aspect, frame rate, bit rate, color space, chroma subsampling, bit depth, scan type, scan order.Container: format, profile, commercial name of the format, duration, overall bit rate, writing application and library, title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration.Please donate to support further development The MediaInfo data display includes: